HE’S OUT OF HIS MIND. Homily of 10th Sunday. Jesus and Mental Illness
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HE’S OUT OF HIS MIND. Homily of 10th Sunday. Jesus and Mental Illness

FR LOUIS SCURTI PREACHES ON THE THEME OF MENTAL ILLNESS IN TODAY’S HOMILY. THE INSPIRATION IS BASED ON THE SCRIPTURES OF THE DAY: GENESIS 3:9-15, 2 CORINTHIANS 4:13—5:1, MARK 3:20-35. Fr Louis Scurti is a NJ & FL Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. INTRODUCTION & GOSPEL drscurtimarriageandfamily.webs.com ___ Check out our website: https://new.friendsoftheword.org Join our…

“LET ME TELL YOU A STORY!” Homily of Feast of the Body & Blood of Christ

“LET ME TELL YOU A STORY!” Homily of Feast of the Body & Blood of Christ

LET ME TELL YOU A STORY Fr Louis Scurti presents his Homily LET ME TELL YOU A STORY…. on the Feast of the Body & Blood of Christ. EXODUS 24:3-8 HEBREWS 9: MARK 14:12-16, 22-2611-15 Introduction and Gospel ___ Check out our website: https://new.friendsoftheword.org Join our community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.FriendsoftheWord.org Donate and support FRIENDS OF…

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FR LOUIS SCURTI IS HOMILIST AT THE FIRST COMMUNION OF ST.S PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC COMMUNITY, HOBOKEN, NJ. MSGR. MICHAEL ANDREANO, PASTOR, CELEBRANT. ___ Check out our website: https://new.friendsoftheword.org Join our community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.FriendsoftheWord.org Donate and support FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC.: http://bit.ly/2qGY8Tl

GOD’S STORY OF LOVE Homily Easter 6
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GOD’S STORY OF LOVE Homily Easter 6

  Fr Louis Scurti traces in his Homily, the images of Jesus for us…until He calls us Friends! Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 1 JOHN 4:7-10 JOHN 15:9-17 Check out our website: https://new.friendsoftheword.org Join our community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.FriendsoftheWord.org Donate and support FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC.: http://bit.ly/2qGY8Tl