Fr Louis Scurti reflects in the Homily on the Gospel of Luke 11:5-13, on the persistence and need for us to Pray…with the right intention that GOD’S will not ours is done!
Fr Louis Scurti reflects in the Homily on the Gospel of Luke 11:5-13, on the persistence and need for us to Pray…with the right intention that GOD’S will not ours is done!
Fr Louis Scurti interviews Ed Lucas, blind sports reporter and author of SEEING HOME. In this episode, the final of the series, his wife, Allison gives us a tour to Ed’s memorabilia at their home museum. [email protected] Thank you for joining us. Jerry Reynolds, Ann Marie Abad, Maggie Molino, Bill Meyers Crew of…
BRIEF INTRODUCTION THE GOSPEL Fr Louis Scurti shares the Homily of the 27th Sunday of the Year. The Parable of the Vineyards provides an opportunity to consider our gifts, our story and giving back to God from all He has given us! [email protected].
Inspired by his love of Christ and all of creation, Fr Louis Scurti shares thoughts on St. Francis of Assisi, Patron of Ecology.
Fr Louis Scurti shares his personal stories about the ANGELS, especially St Michael, the defender of God’s Honor. He reflects on the “Michaels” in his family from his Grandfather to his grandnephew. This is also his maternal grandmother’s birthday who said: ” Senza il prete, non c’e la Messe!” Introduction to the Homily, Angels Thank…
Fr Louis Scurti preaches on the “Seeds of the Word of God” at the Commitment and Recommitment of the Affiliates of St Lucy Filippini, at Villa Walsh, Morristown. The Affiliates are lay women who follow the charism of St. Lucy Filippini [email protected] Fr Louis Scurti with Sr. Dorothy & Sr. Mary, MPF
[email protected] Over the next few months this series will focus on LYNNE’S STORY, a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. Fr Louis Scurti interviews “Lynne”, a member of Alcoholics Anonymous and how her background growing up contributed to her addictions. Part 1: How abuse affected me. The background; chaos from ages 14-16 & the Mafia.
Fr Louis Scurti presents the Weekday Word Homily of The FEAST OF OUR LADY OF SORROWS, MATER DOLOROSA, and discusses the role of Mary in the life of Jesus, and our lives. 1 Timothy 1:1-2, 12-14, Gospel: John 19:25-27 INTRODUCTION AND GOSPEL [email protected] Good Friday Procession with Mater Dolorosa …
In a series of interviews, Fr Louis Scurti and a former student, Jerome Wagner, discuss Climate Change and the Environment. [email protected] Jerome Wagner, is part of 350NJ [email protected] [email protected]
In preparation for the 70th General Assembly, Fr Louis Scurti continues his interview with Archbishop Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations. Archbishop discusses the role of the Vatican at the United Nations. [email protected]