Being Raised Up With Jesus
Join Fr. Lou Scurti for the 5th Sunday of Lent. March 22, 2015 Readings: Reading 1 Jer 31:31-34 Responsorial Psalm Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 Reading 2 Heb 5:7-9 Gospel John 12:20-33
Join Fr. Lou Scurti for the 5th Sunday of Lent. March 22, 2015 Readings: Reading 1 Jer 31:31-34 Responsorial Psalm Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 Reading 2 Heb 5:7-9 Gospel John 12:20-33
Celebration of the Annunciation of Mary is commemorated on March 25 …nine months before the birth of Jesus! (according to the traditional calendar)….
Friends of the Word presents a Q & A session once again. Fr Lou Scurti answers questions sent in from the 6th Grade class of Meghan Reardon, Pope John Paul II Regional School, Willingboro, NJ. and from Camille and Rich in Florida. presents St Peter’s University trip to Spain, 2015. This selection focuses on Sagrada Familia and Girona, in Catalonia. Spanish hospitality, food, sights and experiences were awesome! Join Fr. Lou Scurti for the second Wednesday of Lent as he remembers Jeanine Hundt.
Meghan Reardon’s 6th Grade Class of John Paul II Regional School have their questions answered on Friends of the Word, The Q & A segment…..send in your questions…if we answer them on the air…you get a gift!Contact Fr Lou at [email protected]
When a couple in a relationship comes from Catholic and Muslim Faiths….what happens? is the question that Father Lou Scurti addresses in the Q&A segment of the Weekday Word. Join Fr. Lou Scurti for a Lenten Day of Recollection, Holy Cross Church, St. Petersburg FL. February 21, 2015 Contact Father Lou at [email protected]
Fr. Lou SCURTI interviews Fr. John D’Antonio on the 50th Anniversary of the parish. They share stories of the origins of the parish and aspects of parish ministry.
Published on Feb 18, 2015Fr Lou SCURTI interviews Fr. John D’Antonio, pastor, on the 50th Anniversary of the parish…and parish ministry,