Gospel Fr Louis Scurti presents the homily of the 2nd Sunday of Easter, based on Thomas & the other Apostles encounters with the Risen Lord! ACTS 4:32-35 1 JOHN 5:1-6 JOHN 20:19-31
Gospel Fr Louis Scurti presents the homily of the 2nd Sunday of Easter, based on Thomas & the other Apostles encounters with the Risen Lord! ACTS 4:32-35 1 JOHN 5:1-6 JOHN 20:19-31
Richard continues his story of Dora and the family appreciation of the arts.
An Updated version of a wonderful interview (in 3 segments) with Fr Louis Scurti and Sr. Colette, Novice Mistress of the Poor Clares of Galway, Ireland.
Fr Louis Scurti presents the homily of the 2nd Sunday of Lent: Transfiguration: Our Mountain Top Experience of Sin! INTRODUCTION AND GOSPEL Check out our website Join our community on Facebook Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 Rom 8:31b-34 Mk 9:2-10
Published on Feb 22, 2018 Friends of the Word, Inc. presents Fr Louis Scurti delivering the Homily on the occasion of the Feast of The Chair of St. Peter Introduction
THE HEALED LEPER IS AN INSPIRATION FOR US…TO PROCLAIM OUR FAITH WHEN JESUS TOUCHES US! Check out our website visit our site Join our community on Facebook: Donate and support our cause INTRODUCTION AND GOSPEL
FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC. presents Fr Louis Scurti WHO ARE THE OUTSIDERS TO JESUS? 1 Kings 11:4-13 Mark 7:24-30 Thank you for joining us. Please freely pass this on to your family & friends. Contact us for further information at [email protected]. Go to our site for other aspects of Friends of the Word, Inc…
FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC. presents FR LOUIS SCURTI 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time HOMILY DEPRESSION, HOPE & HEALING Job 7:1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-39 Introduction Gospel & Blessing of Throats ___ Check out our website Introduction: ___ Join our community on Facebook Donate and support The WORD
Fr Louis Scurti presents the Homily, FLESH AND BLOOD OF JESUS AND MARY, on CANDLEMAS Day, and Feast of the Presentation of Jesus. He also reads the Gospel of the Feast. The Gospel and Blessing of the Candles The Blessing of the Candles & the Gospel ___ Check out our website: Join our community…
Upon the Death bed of King David, he reminds his son, Solomon that he was going “the way of all flesh”. It becomes a reminder of how to live…and how to die, for the Believer, as Jesus sends us out into the world! ___ Check out our website: Join our community on Facebook…