Feast of Charles Borromeo, Following Christ
Fr Lou shares the homily on the Feast of St. Charles, following the example of Christ and His Cross. Holy Cross Church, St. Petersburg Florida.
Fr Lou shares the homily on the Feast of St. Charles, following the example of Christ and His Cross. Holy Cross Church, St. Petersburg Florida.
The 12 Apostles were called by Jesus to spread the Gospel through the world. Fr Lou shares some thoughts on Jude and his Ministry. This video had some technical problems…so it is adjusted, to spread the Word! Reading 1 Eph 2:19-22, Responsorial Psalm 19, Their message goes out through all the earth. Gospel Luke 6:12-16
Father Lou Scurti shares his thoughts in his homily for the Wednesday of the 28th Week of the Year…and the Feast of St. Callistus
Father SCURTI interviews Dr Greg Costello on other aspects of the mission of ASCPG, taking disabled children to Our Lady’s shrine, Lourdes, France.
Fr Lou Scurti applies the Readings of the day to our lives….and choices! Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings Isaiah 50:5-9a James 2:14-18 Mark 8:27-35
Msgr Brown the Mission of Catholic Charities Father Lou Scurti and Msgr Brown discuss the mission of Catholic Charities serving the poor of the area. The mission includes meals, education, transportation, love. www.FriendsoftheWord.org
https://new.friendsoftheword.org/ Recalling the visits of Popes St. John Paul II and Francis to Albania, Jon (Fatjon Gjonpali) shares an Albanian’s reaction to life in Albania and the community’s reaction to the Popes’ visits.
Jesus sends his disciples into the world
Father Scurti shares his thoughts based on the Scriptures of the day, 13th Sunday Ordinary Time
www.FriendsoftheWord.org Teresa Apolei is Father Lou’s guest in three episodes of www.FriendsoftheWord.org Teresa has performed around the world and gives an overview of her venues and experiences.