WWW.FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG, [email protected] Fr Louie Scurti examines the Sacred Scriptures on the Feast of Christ the King, from the origins, through His genealogy to the Cross! On the Cross Jesus is MERCIFUL!
WWW.FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG, [email protected] Fr Louie Scurti examines the Sacred Scriptures on the Feast of Christ the King, from the origins, through His genealogy to the Cross! On the Cross Jesus is MERCIFUL!
WWW.FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG [email protected] Fr Louie discusses the “Day of the Lord” as the end…and weekly! on the 33rd Sunday of the Year. Mal 3:19-20a, 2 Thes 3:7-12, Lk 21:5-19 Reunion Series Fr Lou Scurti interviews Fr Mike Russo, Via Skype, from Rome, Italy, Loyola University on FAITH, MEDIA AND THE ARTS, in 3 segments
FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC. presents Father Lou Scurti [email protected] STAND UP FOR YOUR FAITH 32ND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Life, Death, Hope, Resurrection. Jesus is the Way!
Fr Lou Scurti shares insights on the Scriptures and brings in St Martin de Porres, a child born of a slave, who becomes a saint in the 15th Century. The Scriptures provide a challenge and invitation to fight against Bullying, Prejudice and Apathy…as we prepare to Vote!
WWW.FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG [email protected] Fr Louis encourages us to “go out on the limb” expressing our Faith in Jesus…in our concern for the poor, social responsibility and the VOTE! Reading 1 Wis 11:22-12:2, Reading 2 2 Thes 1:11-2:2, Gospel Lk 9:1-10
WWW.FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG presents PRAYER OUR ARMOR [email protected] Reading 1 – EPHESIANS 6:10-20, R. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel -LUKE 13:31-35
At times the crew & Fr Lou Scurti travel to destinations to meet the guests…as “Spiritual Journey”, Today this series begins with the introduction to the POOR CLARES MONASTERY, GALWAY, IRELAND. This series will continue as Fr Scurti journeys across the Midlands, visiting Parish churches in the counties. Stay tuned…the segments of the series will…
Join Fr. Lou as he discusses Bishop Rodimer’s ministry and life. This year 2016, Bishop celebrates 65 Years of Priesthood and 89 Years old.
Join Fr. Lou as he discusses Bishop Rodimer’s ministry and life.This year 2016, Bishop celebrates 65 Years of Priesthood and 89 Years old.