Fr Louis Scurti reflects on the Scriptures…sometimes Jesus surprises us with His words! He delves into the four Gospels and notes their unique characteristics as each presents Good News!
Fr Louis Scurti reflects on the Scriptures…sometimes Jesus surprises us with His words! He delves into the four Gospels and notes their unique characteristics as each presents Good News!
On the Feast of St. Jeanne Jugan, Bishop Rodimer Celebrated his 90th Birthday at Mass at the Little Sisters of the Poor Chapel, Totowa, NJ OTHER INTERVIEWS WITH BISHOP RODIMER CAN BE VIEWEDON FRIENDS OF THE WORD, WWW.FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG SIMPLY TYPE RODIMER into searchbar.
[maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” ] FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC. presents Father Lou Scurti 29th Ordinary Time SCRIPTURES OF OPPOSITES Isaiah 45:1, 4-6, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b, Matthew 22:15-21 THE PHARISEES AND HERODIANS TRY TO TRICK JESUS. HOWEVER, HE KNOWS THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES, AS FR LOUIS SCURTI INDICATES IN HIS INTRODUCTION AND HOMILY… Fr Louis Scurti interviews Msgr Jack Carroll, celebrating 50 years of Priestly Ordination in 2016, at Our Lady of Magnificat Church, Kinnelon, NJ. Jack share his story of Seminary, Vocation and years of Priesthood.
GUESS WHO IS INVITED Fr Louis Scurti presents the Homily of the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time. He introduces the Homily and Gospel “The Wedding Garment” is a symbol of what to “wear” in preparation for the Banquet to which we are all invited!
Fr Louis Scurti reflects in the Homily on the Gospel of Luke 11:5-13, on the persistence and need for us to Pray…with the right intention that GOD’S will not ours is done!
Fr Louis Scurti interviews Ed Lucas, blind sports reporter and author of SEEING HOME. In this episode, the final of the series, his wife, Allison gives us a tour to Ed’s memorabilia at their home museum. [email protected] Thank you for joining us. Jerry Reynolds, Ann Marie Abad, Maggie Molino, Bill Meyers Crew of…
Inspired by his love of Christ and all of creation, Fr Louis Scurti shares thoughts on St. Francis of Assisi, Patron of Ecology.
Fr Louis Scurti focuses on Jerusalem as a symbol of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection, based on the readings and events of the day. GOD IS WITH US. Zec 8:20-23, Lk 9:51-56 In Memory [email protected] Jerome Wagner, Climate Change Activist, discusses elements of Climate Change and the Environment. He focuses on the inspiration he received from Laudato Si, by Pope Francis. The MARCH FOR CLIMATE CHANGE IN DC, took place APRIL 29, 2017 Jerome is part of 350NJ; [email protected] [email protected]