MEETING WITH HEATHER FINN (2) Founder of Handing Out Hope
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MEETING WITH HEATHER FINN (2) Founder of Handing Out Hope

IN THIS 2ND OF 3 EPISODES, FR LOUIS SCURTI, FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC. INTERVIEWS HEATHER FINN, FOUNDER OF HANDING OUT HOPE. Handing Out Hope’s mission is to provide survivors and victims of human trafficking and homelessness with emotional and financial support to become independent and successful individuals.

HANDING OUT HOPE Interview 2, with Heather Finn, founder
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HANDING OUT HOPE Interview 2, with Heather Finn, founder

IN THREE EPISODES, FR LOUIS SCURTI, FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC. INTERVIEWS HEATHER FINN, FOUNDER OF HANDING OUT HOPE. Handing Out Hope’s mission is to provide survivors and victims of human trafficking and homelessness with emotional and financial support to become independent and successful individuals.