St Ann’s Melkite Church; it’s Origins in Antioch
Father Scurti interviews Father Ken Sherman, Pastor of St Ann’s Melkite Church, Woodland Park, NJ about the origins of the Melkite Rite of the Church, to the days of the Apostles.
Father Scurti interviews Father Ken Sherman, Pastor of St Ann’s Melkite Church, Woodland Park, NJ about the origins of the Melkite Rite of the Church, to the days of the Apostles.
Father Scurti reflects on the origins of the Church and Jesus as the Light of the World. Wednesday of the Second Week of Easter ;Reading 1 Acts 5:17-26, Alleluia. I will bless the LORD at all times; Alleluia, alleluia.Gospel Jn 3:16-21; God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son
Join Fr. Lou Scurti on Good Friday April 3, 2015 for “The Sorrowful Mysteries.” Holy Cross Church, St. Petersburg Fl. The Sorrowful Mysteries recount all the sorrows of Jesus’ Passion and death… • The Agony in the Garden The night before He dies, Jesus prays in the Garden of Olives. His agony is so great,…
Join Fr. Lou Scurti in Holy Cross, St. Petersburg Florida. April 8, 2015. Readings Reading 1 Act 3 1-10 PS 105 Gospel Luke 24: 13-35
Join Fr. Lou Scurti for Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 Readings Reading 1 Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Responsorial Psalm Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 Reading 2 Col 3:1-4 Gospel John 20:1-9
Msgr Louis Bihr is interviewed by Father Lou Scurti on his addiction of Alcoholism. Addiction is a non-discriminatory illness that needs to be addressed. Bihr continues to share his story.
Wednesday of Holy Week Hail to you, our King, obedient to the Father; you were led to your crucifixion like a gentle lamb to the slaughter. Gospel Mt 26:14-25 Reading 1 Is 50:4-9a, Responsorial Psalm Ps 69:8-10, Father Lou Scurti discusses Judas, on Spy Wednesday Join Fr. Lou Scurti for Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 Readings At the Procession with Palms – Gospel Mk 11:1-10 Reading 1 Is 50:4-7 Responsorial Psalm Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 Reading 2 Phil 2:6-11 Gospel Mark 14:1—15:47
Join Fr. Lou Scurti for the 5th Sunday of Lent. March 22, 2015 Readings: Reading 1 Jer 31:31-34 Responsorial Psalm Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15 Reading 2 Heb 5:7-9 Gospel John 12:20-33
Such a beautiful…”silent” saint…protector of Jesus, the Universal Church, Mary, fathers, homes, families and us! St. Joseph is a strong role model for us today!