Poverty of Heart….& St Clare of Assisi
Poverty of Heart, from the Catholic Catechism is discussed in light of an example, St Clare of Assisi. Father Scurti presents the Weekday Word on https://new.friendsoftheword.org
Poverty of Heart, from the Catholic Catechism is discussed in light of an example, St Clare of Assisi. Father Scurti presents the Weekday Word on https://new.friendsoftheword.org
https://new.friendsoftheword.org/ Join Fr. Lou Scurti for the first Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014. Reading 1 is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 Responsorial Psalm ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 Reading 2 1 cor 1:3-9 Gospel Mark 13:33-37
Join Fr. Lou Scurti for the Feast of Christ the King. November 23, 2014 Reading 1 ez 34:11-12, 15-17 Responsorial Psalm ps 23:1-2, 2-3, 5-6 Reading 2 1 cor 15:20-26, 28 Gospel mt 25:31-46
Father Scurti shares his family’s “presepio” the reconstruction of the village of Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Jesus, the Word made Flesh! Share the joy of giving from the Father to us…and from us to one another!
Father Scurti chats with a friend and former member of William Paterson University Catholic Campus Ministry, Carl Bolleia, who is a Music Major, working on his Doctorate.
Father Scurti presents his homily based on REVELATION 4:1-11 AND LUKE 19: 11-28.
Join Fr. Lou Scurti for the 33rd Sunday in ordinary time. Readings for Mass First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 Second Reading: First Thessalonians 5:1-6 Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-20
Sr Diane Collesano and Father Lou Scurti discuss the literary contributions of Blessed Miriam Teresa. She was beatified at Sacred Heart Basilica, Newark, NJ on Oct 4, 2014. https://new.friendsoftheword.org
https://new.friendsoftheword.org/ Father Lou Scurti shares some thoughts on the Gospel of Luke, 17:11-19, as well as Saints Josephat and Frances Cabrini.
Father Scurti uses the Scripture of the Day reflecting on Luke’s Gospel. Phil 2:12-18, Luke 14:25-33