Appointment of Chief Angelo Daniele (2) Angelo Daniele is honored by his peers of Passaic County, at his Appointment as Chief of Police, Haledon, NJ Angelo Daniele is honored by his peers of Passaic County, at his Appointment as Chief of Police, Haledon, NJ
WWW.FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG Chief Angelo Daniele is installed and his family and friends gather to congratulate and praise his dedication. Fr Louis Scurti is Chaplain of the Police Dept. [email protected]
JANUARY OFFERS INSPIRATION FOR OUR SCRIPTURES TODAY: INCLUDING MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., THE INAUGURATION, THE WEEK OF CHRISTIAN UNITY. JESUS CALLS US WITHOUT A RESUME O3 2017; ISAIAH 8:23—9:3; 1 CORINTHIANS 1:10-13, 17; Gospel MATTHEW 4:12-23 Thank you for joining us. Jerry Reynolds, Ann Marie Abad & Maggie Molino, Bill Meyers Crew of Friends of…
FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC. presents Father Lou Scurti [email protected] ADVENT 3 WHICH MESSIAH DO WE LOOK FOR Reading 1 Is 35:1-6a, 10, Reading 2 Jas 5:7-10, Gospel Mt 11:2-11 Thank you for joining us.Jerry Reynolds, Ann Marie Abad & Maggie Molino, Bill Meyers, Crew of Friends of the Word, Inc. Music by Uptown Flutes
WWW.FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG [email protected] JOIN FR LOUIE THROUGH THE MIDLANDS, STOPPING AT CHURCHES ALONG THE WAY. This is the first of a 15 segment series on out Spiritual Journey through Ireland.
WWW.FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG presents PRAYER OUR ARMOR [email protected] Reading 1 – EPHESIANS 6:10-20, R. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel -LUKE 13:31-35
FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG presents Fr Lou Scurti Jesus, Jon and Jerome JOB 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5, Gospel LUKE 10:13-16 Thank you for joining us. Jerry Reynolds, Ann Marie Abad, Maggie Molino, Bill Meyers, Crew of Friends of the Word, Inc. Music by Uptown Flutes copyright FOTW 2016 Pass this on to family & friends, join our email list:…
[email protected]. Go to our site for other aspects of Friends of the Word, Inc Thanks to FOTW Crew:Jerry Reynolds, Magee Molino, Bill Meyers, Anne Marie Abad Music by Uptown Flutes
Fr Lou reflects on Mark 10 as James and John ask for a Special Place in the Kingdom. To live the Christian life is never Ordinary. [email protected] Category Education
WWW.FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG introduces Fr Lou Scurti and John Hargreaves, Musician at Annunciation Church, Wayne, NJ. This is one of three interviews with John. [email protected]