BISHOP FRANK J. RODIMER, Bishop Emeritus (part 2)
Join Fr. Lou as he discusses Bishop Rodimer’s ministry and life.This year 2016, Bishop celebrates 65 Years of Priesthood and 89 Years old.
Join Fr. Lou as he discusses Bishop Rodimer’s ministry and life.This year 2016, Bishop celebrates 65 Years of Priesthood and 89 Years old.
COMMEMORATING THE FEAST OF ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI Thank you for joining us. Jerry Reynolds, Ann Marie Abad & Maggie Molino, Bill Meyers Crew of Friends of the Word, Inc. Music by Uptown Flutes copyright FOTW2016 Pass this on to family & friends, join our email list: [email protected] The Coordinators of the Annual St. Catherine of Bologna’s Art Show and Exhibit discuss the event including music, performance, poetry, sculpture, photography and painting…Contact them at Check our site during the Spring & stay tuned for the dates of the next Exhibition!
JOB 3, PSALM 88, LUKE 9 FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC. presents Father Lou Scurti Thank you for joining us. Please freely pass this on to your family & friends. Contact us for further information at [email protected]. Go to our site for other aspects of Friends of the Word, Inc Thanks to FOTW Crew:…
WWW.FRIENDSOFTHEWORD.ORG Friends of the Word, Inc. presents Fr Lou Scurti Living the Body of Christ Authentically The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 1 Genesis 14:18-20, 2 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Luke 9:11b-17 Friends of the Word, Inc. presents Fr Lou Scurti with The Weekday Word TRUSTING IN JESUS Reading 1 James 4:13-17 Gospel Mark 9:38-40 PRIOR TO MASS…FR LOU LOST HIS PHONE AND CREDIT CARD FROM HIS CAR…IN THE WORDS HE SHARES…HE SPEAKS TO HIMSELF AS WELL…During Mass, Jerry Reynolds called Fr Lou’s phone..then went to…
Father Lou Scurti discusses the role of the early Church in spreading the Word of Jesus, the Light of the World. [email protected]
Friends of the Word, Inc. presents: Fr Lou Scurti [email protected] FR FRANK FANO Music in His Life
Jesus Praised and Criticized 4th Sunday Ordinary Time Friends of the Word, Inc. presents Fr Lou Scurti [email protected] Reading 1 Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19 In you, O LORD, I take refuge 1 Corinthians12:31—13:13 Gospel Luke4:21-30