David, Sebastian both Fighters and Role Models of Faith! 1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51, Gospel MARK 3:1-6 Fr Lou gives us some insight and challenges!
David, Sebastian both Fighters and Role Models of Faith! 1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51, Gospel MARK 3:1-6 Fr Lou gives us some insight and challenges!
FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC presents Father Lou Scurti Love Displaces Fear Wednesday after Epiphany Reading 1 1 John 4:11-18 Gospel Mark 6:45-52
Friends of the Word, Inc.presents:Fr Lou Scurti [email protected] Out of Small Towns Great People! Advent 4 Reading 1 Micah 5:1-4a; Reading 2 Hebrews 10:5-10; Gospel Luke 1:39-45 As Jesus describes the tribulation that will precede the return of the Son of Man, Fr Lou reflects on today’s tribulations: unemployment, fear, illness, death and Terrorism. Fr Lou especially refers to the Paris attacks and the tribulation that the persecuted experience. Daniel 12:1-3, Hebrews 10:11-14, 18, Mark 13:24-32
Friends of the Word, Inc. presents Fr Lou Scurti St Martin of Tours Veterans Day, 2015 Annunciation Church, Wayne, NJ Reading 1 Wisdom 6:1-11, Gospel Luke 17:11-19 FRIENDS OF THE WORD, INC. with Father Lou Scurti Thank you for joining us. Please freely pass this on to your family & friends. contact us for further…
Are James and John the first “careerists?” Based on the Readings of the 29th Sunday of the Year: Reading 1 Isaiah 53:10-11, Reading 2 Hebrews 4:14-16, Gospel Mark 10:35-45, Father Scurti shares his contemporary reaction to James and John’s request.
Father Scurti & Father Emmanuel share the insights of the Gospel and sharing the ministry of spreading the Gospel in the Diocese of Dodoma,Tanzania, Africa. To assist Father Emmanuel with the purchase of Bibles and other Religious Education supplies, contact Fr Lou on Paypal on, please indicate: African Bibles or send your donation to…
Father Lou Scurti and Father Emmanuel Ndechiemi discuss the role of Internet and Ministry in the Dodoma Archdiocese, Tanzania, Africa. Donations can be sent via Paypal on, marked Tanzania
A brother and two sisters share the conversation today with Father Lou Scurti. Maria, Veronica and Jasmar are siblings who serve and lector at Mass at Annunciation, Wayne, NJ. Fr Lou interviews Howard Jost on his work with Relief Development in Asia and his experiences there. Contact Fr Lou at [email protected] with questions and comments.